Services at WonderKids

Occupational Therapy

A comprehensive list of occupational therapy services tailored for your child's needs
, Services at WonderKids


Direct individual clinic based Occupational Therapy sessions
Ayres Sensory Integration therapy sessions
Group sessions
School based sessions
, Services at WonderKids


School aged children assessment
Early years Screening
Specialised sensory assessments
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT)
Evaluations for MATSEC Examination Arrangements
, Services at WonderKids


Nursery informative sessions
School informative sessions
Parents informative sessions
, Services at WonderKids

Parent support

Parent-focused meetings
Family meetings
Parent coaching
, Services at WonderKids

Multi disciplinary care

Joint assessments
Joint sessions
, Services at WonderKids

Educational Support

Individual Education Plan(IEP) meetings
School Liaison
School observations
Consultative school meetings
, Services at WonderKids

Our Premises

WonderKids premises are designed and equipped with the latest therapeutic tools and resources to provide the best possible therapeutic outcome to our clients
, Services at WonderKids

Book an appointment

Fill in your contact details and we will get in touch.

    Call Wonderkids on 79345093
